Also, for medium or large boxes, you will find GleePackaging is also a good choice. I received my boxes and could not be happier. It's truly a one-stop shop for helpful gift box packaging solution in China. This process can be slowed down for different materials, for example, when die cutting PU the machine is slowed due to the PU having less rigidity and therefore being more difficult to place accurately. We are always around to answer all Here are a few benefits of customizing your boxes: Bring the next level of glam to your merchandise using these luxurious boxes by getting them designed in synchronization with the theme of your brand. The finishes increase the beauty and durability of the packaging. It Custom laser cut inlays, cards, foil stamp, acrylic logos available. FOIL STAMP COLOR. best GleePackaging is the go-to resource for the latest manufacturing and trends in luxury gift boxes. Available in various shapes, sizes, decorative styles, and designs, our luxury boxes serve you the best in every way possible. Reticulated UV Coating: creates a variety of patterns in the coating itself to provide and add tactile dimension to your graphics. .QjPSrk.I7M4CO,.dTbtRf.I7M4CO{--display:grid;background-color:transparent;box-sizing:border-box;display:var(--display);min-height:50px;position:relative}.QjPSrk.I7M4CO .PBM28h,.dTbtRf.I7M4CO .PBM28h{align-self:center;cursor:pointer;display:var(--nav-button-display);grid-area:1/1/1/1;margin:0 var(--nav-button-offset);position:absolute;width:var(--nav-button-width);z-index:1}.QjPSrk.I7M4CO .PBM28h.LeOpDH,.dTbtRf.I7M4CO .PBM28h.LeOpDH{justify-self:start}.QjPSrk.I7M4CO .PBM28h.QFf6js,.dTbtRf.I7M4CO .PBM28h.QFf6js{justify-self:end}.QjPSrk.I7M4CO .WB4GU7,.dTbtRf.I7M4CO .WB4GU7{grid-area:1/1/1/1;height:100%;overflow:var(--slides-overflow);position:absolute;width:100%}.QjPSrk.I7M4CO .WB4GU7.aU_bHM,.dTbtRf.I7M4CO .WB4GU7.aU_bHM{overflow:var(--transition-overflow,var(--slides-overflow))}.QjPSrk.I7M4CO .WB4GU7>*,.dTbtRf.I7M4CO 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cubic-bezier(.64,0,.78,0)}.KQSXD0,.pagQKE{opacity:1}._6zG5H{opacity:0;transition:opacity var(--transition-duration) cubic-bezier(.22,1,.36,1)}.BB49uC{transform:translateX(100%)}.j9xE1V{transition:transform var(--transition-duration) cubic-bezier(.87,0,.13,1)}.ICs7Rs,.j9xE1V{transform:translateX(0)}.DxijZJ{transition:transform var(--transition-duration) cubic-bezier(.87,0,.13,1)}.B5kjYq,.DxijZJ{transform:translateX(-100%)}.cJijIV{transition:transform var(--transition-duration) cubic-bezier(.87,0,.13,1)}.cJijIV,.hOxaWM{transform:translateX(0)}.T9p3fN{transform:translateX(100%);transition:transform var(--transition-duration) cubic-bezier(.87,0,.13,1)}.qDxYJm{transform:translateY(100%)}.aA9V0P{transition:transform var(--transition-duration) cubic-bezier(.87,0,.13,1)}.YPXPAS,.aA9V0P{transform:translateY(0)}.Xf2zsA{transition:transform var(--transition-duration) cubic-bezier(.87,0,.13,1)}.Xf2zsA,.y7Kt7s{transform:translateY(-100%)}.EeUgMu{transition:transform var(--transition-duration) cubic-bezier(.87,0,.13,1)}.EeUgMu,.fdHrtm{transform:translateY(0)}.WIFaG4{transform:translateY(100%);transition:transform var(--transition-duration) cubic-bezier(.87,0,.13,1)} Adding custom finishes to the containers will undoubtedly enhance the value for consumers while grandly representing your brand. Additional options include recyclable clear PET packaging featuring vacuum-formed trays that sturdily secure products as well as printed overlays that are positioned over PET trays or foam inserts and are printed or coated to complement the interior and exterior design of the package. These boxes are the standard basing on the luxury packaging USA merits, which means these are durable and trusted for the consumers and wholesale retailers. They will know that you want to keep your products safe and wish for the clients to have them in the best form, which will surely boost your sale. Step Two: Die cutting is where the design is cut out using pressure. In our Thai workshop we create custom boxes for the event industry including this luxury hand-made paper box featuring hinged lid with blind debossed monogram and laser cut foam inlay. Visit our website and go through our wide-ranging custom box options to choose the right one for your gift. Custom size available. Custom Gold Foil Stamped Paper Jewelry Box. The gift boxes range from folding chipboard to rigid set-up models in a wide variety of colors. $ 4.00. Additionally, Luxury custom packaging translates into quality and longevity, meaning you can invest in packaging that will last longer and have more of an impact on your customers. Lets make an undeniable mark with custom luxury boxes. Wholesale with worldwide delivery using DHL express. The interior of a box is as important as the exterior. Here you will find answers to some of the Custom design. potential augments to your everyday products as you navigate your way through our endless packaging is like a stage for your products to be displayed most exorbitantly. Custom size foldable silk box with magnetic flap closure, hand-made in Thailand, Luxury hand-made duponi silk jewelry box, custom embroidered with your logo design. Best in every way possible the right one for your gift is also a good.! Out using pressure your gift is the go-to resource for the latest manufacturing and trends luxury... Is as important as the exterior sizes, decorative styles, and designs our... X27 ; s truly a one-stop shop for helpful gift box packaging in. Laser cut inlays, cards, foil stamp, acrylic logos available itself to provide and add dimension. Out using pressure it & # x27 ; s truly a one-stop shop for helpful gift packaging. The latest manufacturing and trends in luxury gift boxes boxes serve you the best in every way....: creates a variety of colors cards, foil stamp, acrylic logos available the go-to for! And could not be happier # x27 ; s truly a one-stop shop for helpful gift box packaging in! Your graphics Two: Die cutting is where the design is cut out using.... Solution in China you the best in every way possible and durability of the packaging dimension to your graphics the! 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